Certificate Pinning Bypass (Android)

Bypassing certificate pinning using three different methods: Frida, Xposed Framework with JustTrustMe, and Modifying APK.

Method 1: Using Frida

Frida is a powerful tool for dynamic instrumentation, allowing you to hook into an app's runtime and modify its behavior.

Steps to Implement Certificate Pinning Bypass with Frida:

  1. Set Up Your Environment:

  • Install Frida on your testing device and your computer.

    • On your computer:


      pip install frida-tools
    • On your Android device:


      adb push frida-server /data/local/tmp/
      adb shell "chmod 755 /data/local/tmp/frida-server"
      adb shell "/data/local/tmp/frida-server &"

    Reference to the Frida installation guide for details.

  1. Create a Bypass Script:

  • Write a Frida script to bypass SSL pinning. Save the script as bypass_script.js.

    // Frida script to bypass SSL pinning
    Java.perform(function () {
        var X509TrustManager = Java.use('javax.net.ssl.X509TrustManager');
        var SSLContext = Java.use('javax.net.ssl.SSLContext');
        // Custom TrustManager that does not validate certificates
        var TrustManager = Java.registerClass({
            name: 'com.example.TrustManager',
            implements: [X509TrustManager],
            methods: {
                checkClientTrusted: function (chain, authType) {},
                checkServerTrusted: function (chain, authType) {},
                getAcceptedIssuers: function () { return []; }
        // Hook SSLContext to use our custom TrustManager
        ).implementation = function (keyManager, trustManager, secureRandom) {
            var customTrustManager = [TrustManager.$new()];
            this.init(keyManager, customTrustManager, secureRandom);
  1. Run the Script:

  • Use Frida to run the script on your Android device. Ensure your device is connected and Frida server is running:

    frida -U -f com.yourapp.package -l bypass_script.js --no-pause
  1. Test the App:

  • Interact with the app and monitor network traffic using tools like Burp Suite to ensure the certificate pinning is bypassed.

Method 2: Using Xposed Framework and JustTrustMe


  • Rooted Android Device: Ensure your device is rooted to install the Xposed Framework.

  • Xposed Framework Installed: The Xposed Framework should be installed on your rooted device.


  1. Root Your Android Device:

    • Ensure your Android device is rooted. You can find specific guides for rooting your device based on its model and Android version. Popular tools for rooting include Magisk and Azerokit.

    • Follow the Root a Android Device for details

  2. Install Xposed Framework:

    • Download the Xposed Installer APK from the official Xposed website.

    • Install the Xposed Installer APK on your device.

    • Open the Xposed Installer and install the framework by selecting "Framework" and then "Install/Update."

    • Reboot your device to apply the changes.

  3. Install JustTrustMe Module:

    • Open the Xposed Installer app.

    • Go to the "Downloads" section and search for the "JustTrustMe" module.

    • Download and install the JustTrustMe module.

    • After installation, go to the "Modules" section in the Xposed Installer and check the box next to JustTrustMe to activate it.

  4. Reboot Your Device:

    • Reboot your device to apply the changes and ensure the module is active.

  5. Test the App:

    • Open your app and perform actions that require network communication.

    • With JustTrustMe activated, the app should bypass certificate pinning, allowing Burp Suite to intercept and analyze the traffic.

  6. Monitor Network Traffic:

    • Use Burp Suite to monitor and analyze the intercepted traffic. You should now be able to see and manipulate the encrypted data that the app sends and receives.

Method 3: Modifying APK


  • APKTool installed on your computer.

  • Java Development Kit (JDK) installed.

  • Android Debug Bridge (ADB) installed and set up.

  • Rooted Android Device (optional for some steps).


  1. Set Up Your Environment:

    • Ensure you have APKTool, JDK, and ADB installed.

    • Set up the environment variables for JDK and ADB for easy access.

  2. Decompile the APK:

    • Use APKTool to decompile the APK. This will convert the APK into a set of readable files and folders.

      apktool d yourapp.apk -o yourapp
    • The yourapp directory will contain the decompiled files.

  3. Locate Certificate Pinning Logic:

    • Navigate through the decompiled files to find the network-related code. This is usually located in classes related to SSL/TLS connections.

    • Use a text editor or IDE to search for keywords like TrustManager, HostnameVerifier, checkServerTrusted, or SSLContext.

  4. Modify the Code:

    • Modify the pinning logic to bypass the certificate checks. You can either comment out the pinning logic or modify it to accept all certificates. Example:

      // Original pinning logic
      public void checkServerTrusted(X509Certificate[] chain, String authType) throws CertificateException {
          // Validate the server certificate
      // Modified pinning logic
      public void checkServerTrusted(X509Certificate[] chain, String authType) throws CertificateException {
          // Accept all certificates
    • Ensure all necessary changes are made to bypass the pinning.

  5. Recompile the APK:

    • Use APKTool to recompile the modified APK.

      apktool b yourapp -o yourapp-modified.apk
    • The recompiled APK (yourapp-modified.apk) will be generated in the specified output directory.

  6. Sign the APK:

    • The recompiled APK needs to be signed before it can be installed on your device. Use the JDK's jarsigner tool to sign the APK with a debug certificate.

      jarsigner -verbose -sigalg SHA1withRSA -digestalg SHA1 -keystore ~/.android/debug.keystore yourapp-modified.apk androiddebugkey
    • When prompted, use the default keystore password (android).

  7. Install the Modified APK:

    • Use ADB to install the modified APK on your Android device.


      adb install yourapp-modified.apk
    • If the app is already installed, you may need to uninstall the existing version first:


      adb uninstall com.yourapp.package
      adb install yourapp-modified.apk
  8. Test the App:

    • Open the modified app on your Android device and perform actions that require network communication.

    • Use tools like Burp Suite to intercept and analyze the traffic. The certificate pinning should be bypassed, allowing you to intercept the SSL/TLS traffic.

Last updated

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