Web Application PenTest
Information Gathering/Information Leakage
Identify the product information with the latest version
Outdated components or known vulnerability (CVE) found in the identified product
Access to the default URL or admin page of the identified product
Any opening port other than 80 and 443
Any sensitive data found on the website
HTTPS is enabled and only TLS 1.2 or above is available
Correctness of the certification information
SSL Certificate strength, at least > 2048 bits
Weak Ciphers are supported
Only use the POST HTTP method to transfer the login data
Possible to change the valid session with another user id during the login process
Browser back to resend the login
Possible to identify user id from the application response/behaviour
Cached in session key or cookie with login information / sensitive data
Default / guessable login credentials used
Implemented effective logout mechanism, e.g. invalidate the session and login required
Implemented session timeout, e.g. max of 1 hour if no business requirement.
Implemented CAPTCHA or other brute force attack prevention mechanism
Implemented account locking mechanism
Does not allow multiple logins
Possible to obtain higher-level function access
Possible to obtain other user’s data
Is the site structure guessable and accessible
Vulnerable to Path Traversal attack
Password Management
What is the password policy
Allow change password
Implemented the maximal length of the password
Vulnerable to the reset password process
Session / Cookie Management
Session-Id stored in the cookie only
Vulnerable to the Session fixation or CSRF attack
Session-Id change after login
Session-Id guessable
The cookie session lifetime setting, expired when the browser is closed
Restricted the cookie access within the same domain, HTTP Only and secure flag enable
Broken Access Control
Higher Privilege functions should not be able to be executed by lower privilege
Server-side checking implementation or hidden URL or parameter driven
JS Functions via the developer console
Copy and Paste of URL
Input data are parsed or encoded for output
Implemented the server-side parsing mechanism
CSP enables correctly
Parameter bypass Character
// /\ \\ %00 @ ''
URL encoding
double encodings
Captcha Bypass
Change of HTTP request type
Modify or remove the captcha parameter
Parameter pollution
No timeout or session mechanism
Open redirect bypass
JS open redirects
Hiddenlink open redirects
// /\ %00 @
to bypassParameter pollution
Secret is leaked
The server never checks the secret
The secret is guessable or brute forceable
Check the CSRF Token exists on the CRUD action
Server-side or client-side validation
Token length and guessable
Any parameter with token
Accepts empty parameter
Responds without CSRF token
The token is not session bound
Vulnerable to Injection of
o XSS (included: Reflected, Stored and DOM Based )
o SQL (included: Error, Union, Boolean, and time base)
o XPath
o Command
Web Service API
Guessable of the API service call
Authentication required
Authorization implemented
All input validate on the server-side
All input/output data format is defined with validation control
Others check
Frame Tampering
Invalidated redirects and forwards
Secure HTTP Respond Header setting
Error handling
File upload control
Last updated
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